Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chinese Burger

I was reading over here about Kung Fu Kitchen's $4 Chinese Burgers and figured yesterday afternoon while in NB that I'd have a crack at it. Now, the thousands said it was the best burger in town, personally I think it was pretty damn good, however, it was no 'crane standing amidst a flock of chickens' - as the Chinese saying goes. What I mean to say is that its no contender against a real burger, you need at least two as a meal (probably 3 if you're hungover), and don't expect to feel good about yourself or remotely attractive post consumption. Anyway, it was pretty delicious, it comes in two meaty flavours of pork or beef. See the above photo for the pork delight - succulent* pork in special sauce with nuts and some green bits. While the bread looks to be a hollowed out English muffin, it is in fact 'home made' and possibly fried.
I give it 3.5 Tiananmin squares out of 5; I was expecting leftover chow mein tipped into a bun, this was not that.

*this word makes me puke, but its also pretty good.

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