Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My friend Brendon made a really really rad playlist of everything good and glitchy with bonus awesome included. 
Get it in your ear holes over here:

Monday, September 10, 2012


The lovely ladies of THEESatisfaction have a seriously rad sense of style, what's even better however, are the things they're doing musically. Their website bio described what they're doing as "funk-psychedelic feminista sci-fi epics" - whatever that is - realistically though, they're just a really cool, babin' and alternative hip-hop duo with a pretty original sound. The best part is they'll be playing at the Bakery, Northbridge on the 20th of October.
Here's what to expect:


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Split Your Jeans, But Don't Break Your Dick

Remember that awesome amazing dance made popular by this that these guys do so well? Yeah I'm talking about Daggering and of course you know what I'm talking about because you secretly love it. Well, Split Your Jeans, But Don't Break Your Dick is a short film by Mike Piscitelli and George Gorrow, you can watch it here starting Monday next week.

Apparently the Jamaican government wants to outlaw daggering. Not Cool. Fight the power guys, one gyration at a time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

These guys..

We all know how I feel about dolphins and that I have taken the responsibility upon myself to spread the word about how much of a pack of filthy sex offenders they are, well, tell me these aren't the cold dead stares of a pair of rapists?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Llama font, check it out.

Have something to say? Say it in Llama...

  • i
  • p
  • o
  • i
  • s
  • o
  • n
  • e
  • d
  • y
  • o
  • u
  • r
  • c
  • a
  • t
  • t
  • o
  • d
  • a
  • yh
  • .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Soap & Skin

So Clive got me onto these guys a few weeks ago. Usually I wouldn't trust a word that man says but I'm really loving them so I guess he's good for something. I kid Clive, I love you.
ps. titties

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

you missed the starting gun for everything you've ever done...

Rad video, even better song. Love it.
Thank you Joel.
Apologies to everyone who is way ahead of it and has seen this already.

Monday, June 18, 2012

mad wicked face parade

So, I wake up in the mornings to classic fm usually slightly before 8am so that I get the morning news and an hour of classic drive - which is one of my favourite programs - tears on toast.. amazing.

Anyway, this morning I woke up to something quite enchanting - the duduk - its a sound that we're all pretty familiar with but fucked if we actually know whats making it... well, now I do and while youtubing it just now to see what was out there in the vast interwebs, I came across this video... its a perfect example of the duduk but I'm not posting it for that reason... I'm posting it for the guy on the keyboard with the most lustrous hair and cheeky moustache that I've ever seen and so that you too can experience the many amazing faces  that this man makes while also imagining the type of lover that he might be.

In my mind, I see him sitting on a futon surrounded by candles with his legs not quite crossed - his feet are touching soles - and across from him his lover sits similarly. To the light crackle of burning incense they slowly, eyes closed, feel the contours of one another's bodies until they reach an exalting climax....

Feel free to tell me what you imagine. NOW GO!

Mustapha Kunt

I like this..

holy calamity scream insanity

Whenever I listen to Handsome Boy Modelling School I think of Jason Segal in Slackers. 'aint nothing wrong with that.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Anton Franc

These guys are Anton Franc, they are a Perth band and last Saturday night they launched the new video clip to their single Letting Go. Take a look, it is both aesthetically breathtaking and just a little bit heart warming - as much as I hate to admit sentiment. They're terribly talented and were responsible for everything you're about to watch.

le le let me hear you say WAY OH

Don't watch all of this. But do. Seriously.

Tyler the creator is actually half horse

Has everyone seen this?
Fuck these guys are rad.

Dat Ass of Thrones

I've watched this at least 50 times today.
I don't know why.
Thanks Tormsen.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dear you guys,
Debruit is dropping a new album in a couple of days, it looks like this:

It sounds like this:

I'm pretty excited - because we all know how awesome Parisian glitch-hop is.

Apparently Debruit has been digging up rare African melodies for three years to create this album that these guys said reinterprets raw tribal sounds, 70's highlife and afro funk psych into a hip-hop and drum-heavy curveball. 
..whatever that means. Anyway I dig it. 

Here's something a little older that you should probably listen to:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've been wondering a lot lately why there aren't more dudes wearing lipstick.
Stolen from
Pez Obama by Mauro Perucchetti

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Try not to watch this at least 10 times.
Thanks Joe!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Can not wait.


A while ago I was flying home from the east and while admiring the view from the window as we flew into the city I noticed something from above that looked huge and kind of cool. So, when I got home I jumped on google maps and started having a look around the area for what it was that I had seen. I'm not even sure if I found what it was that I was looking for, however, I did find an Alumina refinery in the area and decided that a birds eye view of one of these things looks pretty fucking incredible.
Anyway, it has taken me ages but finally I decided to sit down and waste some time searching for the different refineries all over the globe and taking some screen caps of what I found. Thus is the result...

Most of these are in Australia with a couple from Canada, USA and Brazil. Other countries included China and I think Pakistan but the satellite images were pretty rubbish over those countries so I gave up. :)
