Monday, June 18, 2012

mad wicked face parade

So, I wake up in the mornings to classic fm usually slightly before 8am so that I get the morning news and an hour of classic drive - which is one of my favourite programs - tears on toast.. amazing.

Anyway, this morning I woke up to something quite enchanting - the duduk - its a sound that we're all pretty familiar with but fucked if we actually know whats making it... well, now I do and while youtubing it just now to see what was out there in the vast interwebs, I came across this video... its a perfect example of the duduk but I'm not posting it for that reason... I'm posting it for the guy on the keyboard with the most lustrous hair and cheeky moustache that I've ever seen and so that you too can experience the many amazing faces  that this man makes while also imagining the type of lover that he might be.

In my mind, I see him sitting on a futon surrounded by candles with his legs not quite crossed - his feet are touching soles - and across from him his lover sits similarly. To the light crackle of burning incense they slowly, eyes closed, feel the contours of one another's bodies until they reach an exalting climax....

Feel free to tell me what you imagine. NOW GO!


  1. haydizzle_pumpkin_eater_4918.6.12

    I'm not sure what he'd be like as a lover... but each shot looks like he's taking the most satisfying piss of his life

  2. Anonymous18.6.12

    Clearly theres a duduk playing as they explore each others bodies, and afterwards a single tear rolls down his face because he cannot put into words how much his lover means to him.

  3. Anonymous18.6.12

    Cue end of flashback scene. He is now cradling the body of his lover in his arms. We see the back of the killer as he leaves the room. Close up of keyboard player's face. A breeze is blowing through his hair even though he is inside. He looks up with an anguished expression which turns into a cold remorseless look. Blood, death and revenge all follow. But does our hero ever find out how to love again?

    Plot twist. His lover is a post-op transexual and the killer was his twin brother overcome with unfulfilled inscestuous desire.

  4. Anonymous18.6.12

    dirty sanchez

  5. Anonymous26.6.12

    I made love to him several times. Each time his firm, sensual hands spread his cheeks giving me the goetzee, just lovely.

